Weekly digest: AI, IOS Press acquisition, and CERN–NASA Summit 2023

Mark Elms

This week, we read ISMPP’s position statement on the use of AI in publishing. We learn about Sage Publishing acquiring IOS Press, about the outcomes from the 2023 CERN–NASA Summit and about an open access agreement between Karger Publishers and Jisc. We celebrate arXiv hitting a new record in monthly preprint submissions, and we read about a new machine learning tool to detect AI-authored research and about the OER Ranger Programme in Canada. Finally, we highlight the 5th anniversary of LSE Press.

To read:

ISMPP’s position statement on AI via The MAP Newsletter | 2-minute read

The International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) has released its position statement on artificial intelligence (AI) and has issued a call to action. Published in Current Medical Research and Opinion, the position statement urges medical publication and communication professionals to commit to a number of tenets, such as using AI appropriately, ensuring proper disclosure, driving accountability in its use and maintaining confidentiality. Building on the position statement, ISMPP’s call to action highlights the leading role that ISMPP members can play in this area, for example, by participating in AI education and training courses, by implementing and using AI responsibly, and by engaging with the research and publishing communities about both the positives and negatives of AI.

Sage Publishing acquires IOS Press via STM Publishing News | 2-minute read

Two independent publishers have joined forces as Sage Publishing acquires IOS Press. With this acquisition, over 70 books a year and nearly 100 journals (including 21 fully open access journals) will now join the Sage Publishing portfolio. The acquisition not only expands Sage Publishing’s open access portfolio but also increases their journal subject range, with additions in the fields of neuroscience, AI, data science and cancer research.

Closing statement and call to action from the 2023 CERN­­­–NASA Summit via SPARC | 3-minute read

Co-sponsored by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the 2023 CERN­–NASA Open Science Summit took place in Switzerland from 10 to 14 July 2023. Bringing together over 100 leaders, policymakers, practitioners and advocates of open science, the summit aimed “to develop strategies for accelerating the adoption of global open science”. Now, the summit organizers have released a closing statement for the event and a call to action to help drive future work.

Open access partnership agreed by Karger Publishers and Jisc via STM Publishing News | 2-minute read

Karger Publishers and Jisc have announced a 3-year transitional agreement due to start in 2024. The agreement will allow researchers from Jisc-affiliated institutions to publish their work open access at no cost to the author and to have unlimited access to all Karger journals. Described as an ‘industry-first’ innovation, the agreement also allows authors to complement their work with enhanced publication content, such as video, audio or graphical items, that could help make their research more discoverable and accessible.

arXiv submissions hit new heights via arXiv | 1-minute read

Now in its 32nd year, arXiv is one of the oldest and largest preprint repositories in the world and is also the largest independent repository in the field of science and mathematics. In October 2023, arXiv achieved a new record with 20 710 monthly submissions, surpassing the previous record of 20 092 from May 2023. Since 1991, preprint submissions to arXiv have grown exponentially and now total almost 2.4 million. For those interested in the data behind arXiv, you can access them here for free!

New machine learning tool accurately detects ChatGPT-authored articles via Nature | 4-minute read

A study published in Cell Reports Physical Science has reported a new machine learning tool that can very accurately detect research papers written by ChatGPT. Trained on chemistry articles, the new tool outperformed similar AI detectors by identifying ChatGPT-written text with 94%–100% accuracy, depending on the AI input. The new tool even performed well with content from journals it wasn’t trained on, as well as with content that was deliberately created to confuse AI detectors. You can read more about the new AI-detecting tool in the full article.

Growth of OER in Ontario via York University Libraries | 3-minute read

eCampusOntario – a Canadian, non-profit organization supporting digital learning in Ontario – is leading an initiative called the Open Educational Resources (OER) Ranger Programme, which aims to create and develop a network of open education advocates in Ontarian higher education institutions. Joining the initiative is York University, with two members of faculty being accepted into the OER Ranger Programme.

LSE Press celebrates 5 years of open access via The London School of Economics | 2-minute read

The beginning of November marked the 5th anniversary of the London School of Economics’ (LSE) open access social sciences publisher, LSE Press. Over the past 5 years, LSE Press has published 13 books, which have been downloaded over 80 thousand times. To find out more, read this blog post by Elinor Potts (Communications Coordinator at LSE Press) as she discusses the history of LSE Press and what the future holds.

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