Weekly digest: ISMPP Europe, OA progress report and In Review

Sophie Nobes

This week, we share details about the Open Pharma roundtables taking place at the European Meeting of ISMPP on 23 January. We read the inaugural STM open access progress report and learn about the expansion of the In Review preprint service across Springer Nature journals. We also read about the costs associated with Open Research Europe, about the ways in which open research outputs are used by science journalists, and about the psychological advantages of committing to open science. Finally, we share a series of educational videos from the Open Pharma summit – which are now available on YouTube – and we revisit an OASPA webinar from December.

To engage with:

Open Pharma roundtables at ISMPP Europe via Open Pharma

On 23 January, Open Pharma will host two roundtable discussions at the European Meeting of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP). The first of these sessions – titled Where are the data? A shared view on data sharing – aims to allow attendees to share their experiences of implementing journal data sharing policies and to explore how related challenges can be minimized. The second roundtable – The rapidly changing face of open access – aims to develop the attendees’ understanding of open access models and what they mean for authors, pharma and publishers. Both roundtables will be held in the Cremant room of Novotel London West at 13:25–14:10 or 14:15–15:00 on Tuesday 23 January. We look forward to seeing you there!

To read:

STM open access progress report via STM | 2-minute read

The scholarly publisher association STM has launched its first annual open access (OA) progress report. Using data from the recently unveiled OA dashboard, the report reviews progress in OA uptake between 2012 and 2022. The report highlights that 35% of articles published in 2022 were published with gold OA. A further 7% were published with green OA, and 6% with bronze OA. The full report is available here.

In Review implemented across a thousand Springer Nature journals via STM Publishing News | 2-minute read

In Review is an automated service that immediately posts a preprint of a submitted paper to Research Square under a CC BY licence. These preprints – which remain publicly accessible even if the article is rejected – allow authors to share and cite their work while it undergoes editorial and peer review. This opt-in service is now available across more than a third of Springer Nature’s journals, increasing transparency and accessibility across the portfolio.

The cost of academic publishing in Europe via LSE Impact Blog | 7-minute read

In this article, Rob Johnson (Founder and Managing Director at Research Consulting) explores the key learnings from his recent Scenario modelling for Open Research Europe report. Produced to offer guidance to the European Commission on the operation and financing of Open Research Europe, the report identifies challenges faced by the not-for-profit publication platform in achieving its goal of combatting the ‘unsustainable’ costs of research publication. Rob concludes the article by emphasizing the pitfalls of expecting these not-for-profit models to reduce publishing costs in the short term.

Use of open research outputs by journalists via F1000Research | 37-minute read

Science journalists are key players in the communication of research outputs to non-specialist audiences. This literature review published in F1000Research explores the extent to which journalists use open access sources in the production of their work and identifies a number of factors limiting the wider adoption of open research outputs. The authors argue that science journalists are an under-used resource in the mission to make open science accessible to the public.

Psychological advantages of open science via Opus | 2-minute read

Open science has many benefits for the scientific community, not least expanding the dissemination of research outputs to a broader audience. But could open science practices also have psychological benefits? This article from Opus explores the psychological implications of open science and its role in fostering inclusivity, collaboration and trust.

To watch:

Open Pharma summit videos via Open Pharma | 5-minute watch

In the lead up to the Open Pharma roundtables at the European Meeting of ISMPP later this month, we at Open Pharma will be sharing a collection of presentations developed for our 2023 summit via our YouTube channel. The first four videos in the series are available to view now, with more content released daily until 2 February.

Are libraries ready for the open access world? via Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association | 1-hour watch

Back in our 1 December edition, we signposted an Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) webinar exploring the role of research libraries in facilitating the transition to open access. The full webinar recording, panellist presentations and responses to attendee questions are now available to view on the OASPA website.

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