Weekly digest: Open for you!, OASPA Wayfinders and use MY data

Sophie Nobes

This week, we highlight the 2024 Open for you! webinar series from the European University Alliance, the Wayfinders webinar series from OASPA and the 19th International Conference on Open Repositories. We share an Open Pharma guest blog post from Elizabeth Lloyd-Owen of use MY data, and we read a summary of a seminar from the 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. Finally, we read the reflections of the founder of JournalHub on the challenges of crowd-sourcing peer review.

To engage with:

Open for you! webinar series via European University Alliance

The third series of the Open for you! webinars from the 4EU+ European University Alliance is now live. This series explores various themes related to open science, including open peer review, FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) and open data, open software and citizen science. Registration is open for the next session, which is titled “I’m signing a publishing agreement”: intellectual property and publication (in open access). Presentations from previous webinars are available.

OASPA Wayfinders webinar: per-publication charges via OASPA

The Wayfinders webinar series from Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) explores case studies from organizations working to increase equity in open access. Join Malavika Legge (Open Access Programme Manager at OASPA), Matthew Day (Head of Open Research Policy & Partnerships at Cambridge University Press), Nathaniel Gore (Director of Communities at PeerJ) and Stacey Burke (Publications Director – Digital, Marketing and Library Relations at American Physiological Society) on 28 February to hear about their experiences exploring alternatives to per-publication charges. Registration for this event is free.

19th International Conference on Open Repositories via Open Repositories Conference 2024

From 3 to 6 June 2024, the 19th International Conference on Open Repositories will take place in Gothenburg, Sweden. The conference will give delegates the opportunity to attend workshops, keynote presentations and poster sessions under the theme of Empowering global progress. Early bird registration is open until 15 March.

To read:

use MY data: inspiring public trust in the use of patient data via Open Pharma | 4-minute read

use MY data is an independent movement of UK patients, relatives and caregivers championing the use of patient data in medical research. In this guest blog post for Open Pharma, Elizabeth Lloyd-Owen (Communications and Media Lead at use MY data) explains why transparency and plain language are vital for inspiring public trust in the use of patient data for healthcare innovation.

Seminar summary: Finding a happy home for your paper via Genes to Cells | 16-minute read

At the 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ), MBSJ and EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Press co-hosted a seminar titled Finding a happy home for your paper: discussion on research publication and open science. This summary outlines the key takeaways from the panel discussion and explores how challenges associated with open data sharing might be overcome.

Crowd-sourcing peer review: reflections from JournalHub via The Road Goes On | 6-minute read

In January 2023, software engineer Daniel Bingham founded scholarly publishing platform JournalHub to explore the feasibility of crowd-sourced peer review. In this post for The road goes on, Daniel reflects on his learnings from the project and on the barriers to addressing publication bias in scholarly publishing. 

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