Weekly digest: pharma open access, Crossref and earth science preprints

Mark Elms

This week, we share an Open Pharma blog post on making pharma into open access leaders. We read about Crossref’s acquisition of Retraction Watch data, about preprint posting by authors in PLOS earth science journals, and about Frontiers’ new author policy. We also learn about Canadian Science Publishing’s new partnership with SORTEE, and about the undisclosed use of AI for writing research manuscripts. Finally, we share the OASPA 2023 Conference programme, and we highlight the upcoming 2023 ISMPP Academy in Philadelphia.

To read:

Making pharma into leaders in open access models via Open Pharma | 5-minute read

Publishing open access can be more challenging for members of the pharma community than for others. Some publishers simply do not allow authors with pharmaceutical industry affiliations to use open access options, meaning that the publishers can continue to charge users to access and reuse the work. Luckily, there are things that authors can do to take back control – regardless of their affiliation. This Open Pharma blog post, written by guest contributors Ashley Farley (Program Officer of Knowledge and Research Services at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and Johan Rooryck (Executive Director at cOAlition S), outlines some of these things.

Crossref makes Retraction Watch data open access via Crossref | 5-minute read

Launched in 2010, Retraction Watch is a blog that reports on retractions of scientific papers from peer-reviewed journals. Now, Crossref has announced that it has acquired the Retraction Watch database and made it a public resource, freely open to all. This blog post by Crossref describes the terms of the acquisition and what making the database open access means for researchers. You can join Crossref and Retraction Watch leadership at a community call on 27 September 2023 to learn more. An FAQ document has also been set up to allow interested parties to ask questions during the community call.

Have authors in PLOS earth science journals chosen preprints? via PLOS | 2-minute read

At the beginning of 2023, PLOS partnered with EarthArXiv to offer facilitated preprint posting to authors submitting to PLOS earth science journals. Now, PLOS looks at whether authors have taken up the offer. Overall, 33% of published authors who submitted to PLOS Climate and 47% who submitted to PLOS Water posted preprints on EarthArXiv through the programme.

New publishing policy at Frontiers to counter ‘authorship-for-sale’ via STM Publishing News | 2-minute read

Buying or selling authorship on research papers is an unethical practice that harms research integrity. Frontiers now aims to tackle the problem, known as ‘authorship-for-sale’, by introducing a new author publishing policy. The new policy will only grant requests for authorship changes under “exceptional circumstances” and after an in-depth evaluation by Frontiers’ research integrity unit. You can read more about the policy on Frontiers’ website.

Canadian Science Publishing announces new open science agreement with SORTEE via STM Publishing News | 2-minute read

Canadian Science Publishing (CSP) has announced a new open science partnership with the Society for Open, Reliable and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SORTEE) until July 2024. CSP hopes this partnership will enhance open science initiatives throughout their portfolio of 22 journals and help them promote open science education and outreach to the global community.

AI use in manuscript drafting is not being properly disclosed via Nature | 5-minute read

Many publishers, such as Elsevier and Springer Nature, allow authors to use ChatGPT and other similar artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help them write manuscripts – so long as they properly declare where and when the tools were used. However, there have been a spate of articles that have been flagged by readers as potentially containing AI-generated text, but which haven’t declared the use of these tools. This Nature article discusses why this is a problem and what peer reviewers should look out for to catch undisclosed AI-generated text.

To engage with:

Programme released for the OASPA 2023 Conference on Open Scholarship via OASPA

The programme for this year’s Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) Conference has now been released! Taking place between 19 and 21 September 2023, this year’s conference promises a number of interesting panel discussions, poster lightning talks and workshops. You can register for the conference here.

2023 ISMPP Academy heads to Philadelphia! via ISMPP

The inaugural International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) Academy will convene in Philadelphia, PA, on 28–29 September. With the theme Practical resources to elevate publications, the ISMPP Academy will focus on publication policies, Good Publication Practice (GPP), digital extensions, publication planning and more. Register for the event here.

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