Weekly digest: PIDfest, rights retention and citation diversity

Sophie Nobes

This week, we feature a new conference about PIDs, and we listen to a podcast exploring the rights retention landscape in Europe. We read about the latest OASPA members survey and about Wiley’s endorsement of the United2Act initiative. We also learn about a new partnership between Nature Human Behaviour and the Institute for Replication. Finally, we read about research into the citation diversity of open access articles, and the preservation of DOIs.

To engage with:

A new conference for persistent identifiers via pidfest.org

PIDfest will hold its inaugural summit in Prague, Czechia, from 11 to 13 June 2024. Through a range of talks, activities and workshops, the 3-day conference aims to explore how persistent identifiers (PIDs) can support research infrastructure. Alice Meadows (Co-founder at MoreBrains Cooperative) and Mary Beth Barilla (Director of Business Development and Communications at NISO) explain the momentum behind the new congress in a blog post for The Scholarly Kitchen. The call for proposals is open until 23 February.

To listen to:

Rights retention policy in Europe via Open Science Talk | 30-minute listen

In June 2023, SPARC Europe published the Opening knowledge: retaining rights and open licensing in Europe 2023 report, which recommends actions to reshape existing rights retention policies. Listen to report co-authors Vanessa Proudman (Director at SPARC Europe), Jon Treadway (Director of Great North Wood Consulting) and Iva Melinscak Zlodi (Librarian at the University of Zagreb) as they discuss the changing landscape of rights retention policy in Europe.

To read:

OASPA member survey results via OASPA | 5-minute read

The annual Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) survey of member publication outputs has now been published! Developed in partnership with Delta Think, the survey results show that OASPA members published more than 1.1 million articles in 2022. Two-thirds of these articles were published in fully open access (OA) journals under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. The full results can be downloaded from the OASPA website.

Wiley support United2Act against paper mills via STM Publishing News | 3-minute read

In December 2023, Wiley published a white paper outlining its approach to addressing the manipulation of publishing practices. Taking learnings from the experience of Hindawi, the white paper called for a collaborative approach to maintaining journal integrity across the publications industry. Taking the next step in its commitment to journal integrity, Wiley has now endorsed the United2Act initiative, an international, multistakeholder collaboration that aims to address the challenge of paper mills in scholarly publishing.

A partnership for research reproduction and replication via Springer Nature Group | 2-minute read

Nature Human Behaviour has partnered with the Institute for Replication in an effort to reproduce and replicate research published in the journal from 2023 onwards. Citing concerns over data falsification and questionable research practices, the partnership hopes to strengthen the credibility and transparency of research. Find more information about the initiative in this editorial.   

OA increases article citation diversity via Scientometrics | 40-minute read

This article published in Scientometrics presents the results of a bibliographical analysis of the association between the OA status of a given publication and the diversity of the publications that cite it. The results demonstrate that OA publications are cited by more diverse publications than those that are not published OA. The authors suggest that citation diversity is a more robust measure of OA reach than the number of citations alone.      

A quarter of DOIs not preserved in journal archives via Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication | 30-minute read

Having identified a deficit in the digital preservation of journal articles, Martin Paul Eve (Professor of Literature, Technology and Publishing at Birkbeck, University of London) suggests a number of practical actions that could strengthen the digital preservation of journal articles.

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