Weekly digest: AI-generated summaries, US data sharing and Subscribe to Open

Sophie Nobes

This week, we read about a collaboration between bioRxiv and ScienceCast to pilot AI-generated preprint summaries, and about the Data Management and Sharing Policy for all NIH-funded data. We also learn about De Gruyter’s commitment to Subscribe to Open, about the lack of actionable guidance on the promotion of equity and diversity in open science policies, and about the new State of North Carolina Registry for research sharing. Finally, we read about the impacts of open science policy developments on medical and scientific research, including concerns about access for contributors from low- and middle-income countries.

To read:

bioRxiv and ScienceCast partner for artificial intelligence (AI)-generated preprint summaries via Nature | 5-minute read

In early November 2023, preprint server bioRxiv announced a pilot to use large language models to generate summaries of all new preprints posted on the site. Developed in partnership with ScienceCast, the summaries are available at three reading levels – from general to expert – with the aim of increasing the accessibility of preprints on the site. While Richard Sever, Co-founder of bioRxiv, is excited by the pilot, some authors have found the summaries lacking and have asked for them to be removed from their preprints.

A standard of data sharing for NIH-funded data via The New England Journal of Medicine | 7-minute read

Following the implementation of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) new Data Management and Sharing Policy in early 2023, data generated by projects supported by the NIH must now be shared publicly. Coupled with similar directives from other governmental bodies in recent years, the policy represents a significant step towards the normalization of publicly funded data sharing in the USA. In this perspective, Joseph Ross, Joanne Waldstreicher and Harlan Krumholz of Yale School of Medicine look back on these developments and consider the challenges facing the coherent implementation of such open science policies.

De Gruyter commits to Subscribe to Open for journal portfolio via Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association | 10-minute read

Earlier this year, the independent academic publisher De Gruyter committed to Subscribe to Open as its main open access model across its journal portfolio. With a plan to convert 85% of its 320 journals to open access via Subscribe to Open over the next 5 years, De Gruyter believes that the model is the “fairest, most inclusive, most sustainable” approach to open access. In this guest post for the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association blog, Dr Christina Lembrecht (Senior Manager, Open Research Strategy at De Gruyter) and Ben Ashcroft (Vice President, Commercial at De Gruyter) explain why the publisher chose Subscribe to Open as its model of choice.

Is open science policy missing the mark on equity and diversity? via SciELO preprints | 1-hour read

Open science policies are being developed with a focus on increasing openness, accessibility and objectivity, but are such policies neglecting the true spirit of open science – collaboration, inclusion and social engagement? This study assessed the extent to which open science policies in Europe and the Americas are focused on equality, diversity and inclusion, and public participation. The authors conclude that, while these issues are mentioned, there is a lack of actionable guidance on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion, and public participation within the published policies, which poses a barrier to the achievement of science that is truly open to all.

North Carolina introduces state registry for research sharing via Centre for Open Science | 3-minute read

As part of its commitment to open science, the US state of North Carolina has this month launched a new State of North Carolina Registry. This interactive online platform allows researchers across the state to share study designs, analysis plans and outcome data in a single location. Leaders of the initiative hope that the creation of a centralized platform for information sharing will support collaboration between researchers, state agencies and policy makers, and facilitate evidence-based policy development and decision-making.  

The impacts of open science on medical and scientific research via The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine | 4-minute read

As open science endeavours to increase access to research in a timely and transparent manner, many stakeholders, including journal publishers, are adjusting to the shifting paradigm through innovative solutions. In this editorial from The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, the editors consider the implications of policy updates – such as the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Nelson Memo and Plan S ­­– on the publishing industry’s established ways of working. They also express concerns about the accessibility of open science for contributors from low- and middle-income countries.  

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